31 December 2007

The obligatory list...

Hmm. Due to the whole posting-in-the-future thing that my stupid whims have lumbered me with, this blog has become rather difficult to navigate. After careless consideration it seems to me that the only solution is to post a list of my blog posts here at the beginning. Or is it at the end... well, it's "here", anyway. This post. The first bit you feast your tired, bloodshot, text-addled, work-avoiding eyes upon. Unimpressive, isn't it? [Sighs] Making a good first impression has never been one of my strong points.

Anyway, the list.

List type: links, numerical and ascending - No. 1 being the first post, and whatever the highest number happens to be at the moment being the most recently written blog post.

The list:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17...

Note for first time visitors: Most of the posts make slightly more sense if you've read the first few posts. Stuff goes on in the comments, too. Now, onwards and downwards... much like my life, really. Ho hum.


a quest to be thorough I am now also wasting virtual space. Woo hoo! As quests go, a quest to be thorough is quite a dull one. Also quite difficult. I shall therefore end it now. Next paragraph, please. ......... Oh, go on. Please.

Since the last paragraph asked so nicely, I shall oblige. I'm not happy about it, though. Let me make that perfectly clear: I'm not happy about it. That gap was, of course, "I'm not happy about it" written in perfectly clear text. I don't think it's going to catch on. Very difficult to read. Perfectly clear communication is anything but. Are you supposed to end sentences with a but?

So, yeah... well... erm... Why was I doing this again? Oh yes, some kind of misguided and ill-fated whim. Chances are that this post will find itself very lonely. Yet I shall cast it out into cyberspace nonetheless. I can be cruel like that sometimes. But only to defenceless blog posts. Perhaps it shall find friends, posts of its own kind. Maybe enemies. Perhaps even a soul-mate. Most likely it will remain alone and unloved. But such is life.

Check back sometime to see how it's getting on. I've called it Albert, should you need to know. Albert the Lonely Blog Post. So it's a he now, apparently.

[You can talk to Albert the Lonely Blog Post, if you like. But I might have to change his name if lots of you do it. Also, if he's at all rude or uncommunicative, please try to understand: he's not used to company]